————[Network Remote Control]————-
the 2882 and the ULN8 both have remote controllable headamps. The ULN2 does not and the gain must be changed through the front panel analog controls. (Note: the controls are not actually analog. the knob is not a true stepped attenuator. It is a normal pot with a mechanical detented ring that controls the level digitally). The trim control is a analog pot, and can be bypassed with the ‘Trim Enable’ switch.
the ULN 2, 2882, and ULN8 all have dynamic routing and mixing controllable remotely. This can be done over wired or wireless Ethernet with a euphonix mixing board, MCU, or a VNC connection like Vine Server. Neither EuCon or MCU currently support loading MIO +DSP from the service, but VNC does.
ITM makes a MCU app for the Iphone and IPod Touch that supports the MIO.
Jugaari also make a VNC Iphone/IPod Touch app called Jaadu for remote control.
These can be used over an ad-hoc wireless network to control the MIO hardware itself wirelessly. All of these options need a local workstation with network functionality to be connected to the MIO at all times. All use client/server side model of control.
MCU feedback for tractile use in LC Xmu or others
Full MCU messages are found at the MCMAP