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Module List
Process Name:
MIO 3x3
Static Matrix Mixer (3x3)
Process Types:
Building Block, Mixer
MIO 3x3 implements a 3×3 matrix mixer. The crosspoint matrix is static, which means that gain changes are not interpolated. As a result, changing the gain of a crosspoint that has signal running through it will result in a click at the output of the associated buss.

Each crosspoint gain connects an input to an output buss. The gains multiply the input signal, and all the signals in each buss are summed to form the output of the bus. The gains in this implementation are specified as linear multipliers, and range from -1.0 to 1.0, which allows you to invert signals as well as adjust their amplitudes. A crosspoint gain of 0.0 corresponds to muting the channel on that buss.

1->1 [-1, 1]
Sets the gain of input 1 mixed into output 1.

2->1 [-1, 1]
Sets the gain of input 2 mixed into output 1.

3->1 [-1, 1]
Sets the gain of input 3 mixed into output 1.

1->2 [-1, 1]
Sets the gain of input 1 mixed into output 2.

2->2 [-1, 1]
Sets the gain of input 2 mixed into output 2.

3->2 [-1, 1]
Sets the gain of input 3 mixed into output 2.

1->3 [-1, 1]
Sets the gain of input 1 mixed into output 3.

2->3 [-1, 1]
Sets the gain of input 2 mixed into output 3.

3->3 [-1, 1]
Sets the gain of input 3 mixed into output 3.

Master Bypass {On, Off}
Puts the mixer into direct route mode (e.g. all inputs are directly routed to the corresponding outputs, and no mixing occurs).

See also:
MIO 2x2 Static Matrix, MIO 4x4 Static Matrix, MIO 5x5 Static Matrix, MIO 6x6 Static Matrix
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