When inserting a mono +DSP effect on a stereo (or multi-channel bus), the single set of GUI controls will control a instance of that effect on every channel of audio in the bus.
ex. a mono EQ inserted on a quad channel, will result in 4 identical EQ’s all mirroring the settings for each channel in that bus.
MIO Console and Sonic Console automatically make multiple instances of the mono plugin when you instantiate a mono process on a multichannel bus. Each instance is connected to a channel of the bus, and all the parameters of all the instances are controlled by the UI of the first instance.
The UI of the first instance is what is displayed when you bring the UI up for the insert.So you have a stereo (or higher) version of Sonic EQ inserted and it performs as a multichannel plugin with the exception that it only displays metering for the first channel of the bus (effectively the left channel since all the multichannel layouts in the Console start with the left channel).BTW, this works with all the mono plugs — so you can always do multichannel with any of the mono plugs.
For things like EQ and delay, the multi-mono works like multichannel (minus the metering). For things like dynamics, multi-mono is different than multichannel because the multi-mono uses an independent detector per channel (e.g. a multi-mono limiter applies a different gain to each channel even when the settings are the same for each channel). Sometimes this is what you want, but often it is not what you would want.
Thanks BJ