Feel Something Real …

Successful Sound Design is focused on creating connections between People.

Sound is the most flexible way to create a Theatrical environment, especially in immersive theatre performance and site-specific spaces. It can bring us to Outerspace, Under the Sea, into a characters dreams, or bring their heart to their sleeve, letting the audience know their true feelings.

Sound can clarify incredibly complex emotions, and help set the hard to pin-point locations of space and time in a way that can be cost, time, or geography prohibitive through scenery or costuming.

Tim has chosen Sound Design as his art form because it is an artistic discipline that can create space out of nothing. An empty location can be transformed by music, sound, or ambiance and in turn affect our mood, imaginations, and interactions with each other. With a focus on found spaces and immersive theatre, Tim embraces the flexibility of the environment in his design work.

Tim has a worked in traditional sound design and associate roles as well as engineering Immersive Fire Theatre, and huge multi-room immersive stage events at Sleep No More such as their Inferno Halloween and New Years Eve immersive theatre parties and performances.

With over 20 years of sound design experience including engineering and system design on ground breaking immersive theatre, full-scale Broadway Benefits to low-budget workshops, Tim knows the needs and importance of communication with fellow designers, directors, producers, and other creatives to create a smooth process and exquisitely detailed yet appropriate soundscapes. Please view our work and reach out to start a discussion about your upcoming performance.

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